What Do You Need for a Baby

As soon as you discover you have a little bundle of joy on the way, you will start to wonder where to begin. What do I need? Where do I start?
We all want to go buy something on the way home from the doctors office. We have a tendency to overbuy and want every cute thing we see because those baby boutique stores have everything that is perfect for your little one. Can we hold off and wait? That is the longest 9 Months in the world. Too bad the first 9 Mo after they are born don’t go that slow.
- Diapers:
You will need plenty of them.
Don’t buy too many of the tiny sizes. They do use several but they will outgrow them very fast. Always keep the next size purchased ahead of time and ready. They can outgrow a size almost overnight. Sometimes it is better to wait until you have your showers to see what you got and what you are missing. You can fill in the lack later.
- Diaper Bag & Diaper Rash Cream:
I always had a tube in every area of my house and diaper bags. There is nothing more heart breaking that a baby that has a raw bottom and you have nothing to put on it. There are several small things like this that you will want to pack in your bag. You may want to have a couple of waterproof pads, a “real wash cloth” for emergency situations and ALWAYS carry at least 2 extra outfits when you are going to be gone from several hours. You will need dirty diaper bags that can tie up to prevent the smell from spreading in your diaper bag. You may want a few cotton swabs, and personal cleanliness items like baby shampoo, body wash or a mild soap, infant bath tub, baby nail clips, a soft brush and a digital thermometer.
- Wipes:
Baby wipes are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Not only can you use them to with the messy bottoms but they are good to just freshen your baby up, wipe hands or face and especially on toddlers. I recommend purchasing the super duper packs at the big chain stores like Sams’.
- Sleepers & Gowns:
I think a good number for gowns and sleepers is about 12 to 15. I have had my babies mess up 2 or 3 in one night. I wasn’t expecting that and had to do lots of small loads of laundry. You will need about the same amount of bibs and burp cloths. You will need a pack of tee shirts, a few knit hats and 6 or 8 pair of socks and booties.
- Blankets & Swaddles
Blankets and swaddles usually get the same amount of changes as gowns or sleepers so 12 or 15 small blankets or swaddles are practical. You will also need a few larger blankets for different uses. You may want to throw one over the baby carry seat when you take your baby from the house to the car. Also, may want to use to make a pallet in the floor for baby to have his play time and learn to roll over on.
- Baby Carrier – Car Seat
Baby carriers and car seats have come a long way in the last several years. There are carriers available that convert and grow with your child and sometimes this is the best option so you only need to purchase one time and just adjust as they grow.
- Pacifiers:
If you have a thumb-sucker, you won’t be needing these. My first baby would stick her thumb in her mouth and pop the passy across the room. I had 2 thumb suckers and 2 that were not. Pacifiers are calming and comforting to a baby and will help them sleep with the security feeling that they are nursing. Always have a few extra. They get lost very easily.
These are just a few of the basic thing. There is always the nursery furniture, bedding and décor. Such fun for new mom. You are going to be blessed beyond measure!